
The advantage of being near borders!

The administrative district of Görlitz is situated in the easternmost part of Saxony, next to the border of Republic of Poland and Czech Republic. Thus, it is absolutely predestined to face the challenges of German-Polish-Czech business co-operations, mainly in the key sectors of metal construction, plastics industry, glass industry and renewable energy, and creating a common tri-national economic area. The administrative district is a member of the municipal organisation Euroregion Neisse-Nisa-Nysa, a voluntary community of German, Czech and Polish communities, towns, administrative districts and institutions. Good relationships with the neighbouring countries of Poland and Czech Republic were established due to the Euroregion. Common, international projects in environment, culture and the economy also promote the cohesion of the three member states. Furthermore, there are contacts to Switzerland, Italy and Slovenia, entrepreneurial activities promoted and networks established.

The region provides opportunities as a hub for economic relations between German, Polish and Czech firms to find new sales and supplier markets.  A strong entrepreneurship characterised by small and medium-sized companies guarantees stable cooperation networks in future. Special conditions for promotion within the promotion period, at least up to the end of 2013, completely developed and, in part, extensive commercial areas with good transport connections and a high innovation potential via a good provision of vocational training schools, technical colleges, universities and research institutions make this region interesting.
Handicraft is also firmly established in the local economy of the administrative district of Görlitz. Pottery makers, glassmakers, ornamental blacksmiths, woodcarvers and basket makers do solid, reliable and bespoke work and are a credit to their professions.

The most important industries

  • energy industry/mining
  • steel and machinery construction
  • automotive supply industry
  • food industry
  • textile and plastics industry
  • information technology, communication technology and biotechnology

An administrative district - full of energy

Energy issues have always played an important role in the administrative district of Görlitz. There are several activities in the energy sector brought about by having the University Zittau/Görlitz in the south, the Nochten and Reichwalde opencast mines and the Boxberg power station in the north. Besides fossil energies, projects and initiatives in the district are particularly focused on the usage of renewable energies. Thus, international and company-related networks have been established by a biomass coordination centre, the Ökoprofit Görlitz and the working group Naturalenergie Saxony with the aim of promoting, in particular, the usage of biomass as an energy source through regional industrial co-operations.
The administrative district of Görlitz is the first administrative district in East Germany to become involved in European certification for energy efficiency and environmental orientation in administrations with a “European Energy Award“. Thereby buildings and administration processes are analysed and action plans for energetic improvement are determined and introduced.
The energy topic as a unique feature and the East Saxony region’s proof of expertise spreads into all industrial sectors. The local industrial exhibition KONVENTA powerfully demonstrates the potential of companies and tourism facilities in the administrative district of Görlitz.

Promotion of the economy

The aim of promoting the economy in the administrative district of Görlitz is to provide impulses for the maintenance and increase of economic power and to develop strategies for their modernisation and competitiveness. The office for regional development at the Görlitz Administrative District Office and the communal firm Entwicklungsgesellschaft Niederschlesische Oberlausitz mbH are the interfaces between the administration, companies, organisations, associations and institutes. At the same time they are a driving force behind new and innovative projects. The extension, development and marketing of industrial and manufacturing areas for new settlements or the extension of firms for creating new jobs number among the most important tasks.
The Office for Regional Development offers companies “pilot services” for all kinds of approval procedures of the district office. Furthermore, this office provides expert support concerning the strategic development of the administrative district. The firm Entwicklungsgesellschaft supports entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized companies as well as associations in issues relating to subsidies, technology and innovation transfer, settlement information and business succession.
Contact person

Landratsamt Görlitz [Görlitz Administrative District Office]
Abteilung Strukturentw., Wirtschaftsf. und Internationale Beziehungen (SWIB)
Abteilungsleiterin Antje Klose [Head Official]
P.O. Box 300 152
02806 Görlitz
Bahnhofstr. 24
02826 Görlitz
Telephone: +49 (0) 3581 663-9420
Fax:            +49 (0) 3581 663-69420

Landratsamt Görlitz [Görlitz Administrative District Office]
Abteilung Strukturentw., Wirtschaftsf. und Internationale Beziehungen (SWIB)
Unternehmenslotse Thomas Tamme [Company Controller]
P.O. Box 300 152
02806 Görlitz
Bahnhofstr. 24
02826 Görlitz
Telephone: +49 (0) 3581 663-9427
Fax:            +49 (0) 3581 663-69427

Entwicklungsgesellschaft Niederschlesische Oberlausitz mbH    
Manager Sven Mimus
Elisabethstraße 40
02826 Görlitz
Telephone: +49 (0) 3581 329010
E-mail:        info (at)

Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz [University]
"Enterprise Europe Network" Project Office


Görlitz Administrative District Office/ Landratsamt Görlitz
Bahnhofstraße 24
02826 Görlitz
Postal address
Görlitz Administrative District Office/ Landratsamt Görlitz
(name of the office)
PF 30 01 52
02806 Görlitz

Office hours

Overview of the locations and offices for district administration