Partner districts of the administrative district of Görlitz

After the political changes in the early 1990s, many districts in Saxony as well as the former districts of the administrative district of Görlitz established contacts with districts from the former German states within the development of the administration. Especially between 1990 and 1996, employees of administrative district offices supported the establishment of the new administrative structures. Partnership agreements were signed with the aim of bringing people closer together and gaining contacts with a view to economic, cultural, sports and tourism-related issues. These partnerships remained very vibrant via administration, associations and personal friendships.

Furthermore, amicable relationships to the neighbouring countries of Poland and Czech Republic were built and underpinned by means of partnership agreements. The administrative district of Löbau-Zittau was closely connected with the district of Liberec, albeit without a certificate and official seal. The first joint projects between the administrative district of Görlitz and the Czech neighbouring district with regard to tourism, culture and traffic are already underway. Since 2002, amicable relationships also have formed with the Italian town of Gorizia and the Slovenian town of Nova Gorica. The alliance is supposed to give new chances to enter into European support programmes and to implement joint projects. The administrative district of Görlitz also wishes to strengthen its cooperation with Eastern Europe, especially with the region of Wyschgorod in Ukraine, in the future. The background for this cooperation is the opening up of cooperation opportunities for small and medium-sized companies as well as in cultural and social fields.

Unterzeichnung einer Vereinbarung über partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit dem polnischen Landkreis Zgorzelec, der italienischen Stadt Gorizia und dem slowenischen Nova Gorica  
Signing of an agreement on partnership-based
cooperation with the Polish administrative district of Zgorzelec,
the Italian town of Gorizia and the Slovenian town of Nova
Unterzeichnung der Vereinbarung über die Zusammenarbeit im Feuerwehrwesen mit dem Landkreis Zary  
Signing of an agreement on cooperation
within the fire department with the administrative district of Zary

Unterzeichnung Parntnerschaftsvereinbarung LR Lange & LR Bielinski 2010_12_01  
On 1 December 2010, District Administrator Bernd Lange and
the District Administrator of Zgorzelec  Artur Bielinski signed a new
partnership agreement.

The following partnership agreements existed or still exist:
Administrative district of Göppingen
Administrative district of Neustadt an der Waldnaa   (Bavaria)
Administrative district of Schwandorf   (Bavaria)
Administrative district of Neckar-Odenwaldkreis
Gorizia  / Nova Gorica  (Italy/Slovenia)
District of Luban / Lauban (Republic of Poland)
District of Zary  / Sorau  (Republic of Poland)
District of Zgorzelec  (Republic of Poland)

Görlitz Administrative District Office/ Landratsamt Görlitz
Bahnhofstraße 24
02826 Görlitz
Postal address
Görlitz Administrative District Office/ Landratsamt Görlitz
(name of the office)
PF 30 01 52
02806 Görlitz

Office hours

Overview of the locations and offices for district administration