Major annual events

Annual festivals/major events in the administrative district of Görlitz
(Selection – makes no claim to completeness)

"Major annual events" relates to events with a very special character and a high popularity among the public.

25th January
Vogelhochzeit [Wedding of the birds] (entire administrative district)

Carnival/Zampern [a traditional carnival custom] (events throughout the entire administrative district)

Easter egg market in Schleife
Pottery market in Erlichthof Rietschen (last Sunday in March)

KONVENTÁ – trade/consumer fair of the administrative district of Görlitz in Löbau
Saatreiten in Ostritz (religious event on Easter Sunday)
PYROMANUM, Kulturinsel Einsiedel in Deschka/Zentendorf (30th)
Hexenfeuer [witch fire] throughout the entire administrative district (30th)

Spectaculum Citaviae – medieval spectacle in Zittau
Jazztage [jazz days] in Görlitz
NEISSE film festival Zittau and surrounding area
Tag des offenen Umgebindehauses [day of the open half-timbered house] in the border triangle

Park- und Blütenfest [park and flower festival] in Kromlau
Reit- und Springturnier [horse riding and show jumping tournament] in Horka

Sternradfahrt [bicycle tour] of the administrative district of Görlitz
Stauseefest [festival] at the artificial lake called Quitzdorfer See (first weekend in June)
Eibauer Bierzug [beer festival] (end of June)
Adventure days at the lake called Berzdorfer See  (last weekend in June)
Country festival in Daubitz/OT Walddorf  (last weekend in June)
Oberlausitzer Kfz-Veteranentreffen in Strahwalde [Upper Lusatia meeting of motor veterans]

Kirschenfest [local cherry festival] in Groß Radisch (second weekend in July)
Neptune’s feast at the lake called Halbendorfer See
Schlesischer Tippelmarkt [Silesian pottery market] in Görlitz
Summer, sports and park festival in Kreba-Neudorf  (last weekend in July)

Via-Thea-Straßentheater [street theatre] in Görlitz
Summer festival in Rothenburg/O.L. (first weekend in August)
Jacobimarkt [folk festival] in Neugersdorf
Historik-Mobil mit Eisenbahnfest der Zittauer Schmalspurbahn [classic cars and motorbikes with Zittau narrow gauge railway festival] in Bertsdorf, Lückendorfer Bergrennen [hill climb] and Jonsdorfer Oldtimertage [vintage car days]
Kräuterfest [herb festival] at the St. Marienthal Ostritz monastery
O-See challenge in Olbersdorf
Festival in the old town of Görlitz (last weekend in August)
Transnaturale at the lake called Bärwalder See

FOLKLORUM, Kulturinsel Einsiedel in Deschka/Zentendorf (first weekend in September)
Mandau Jazz in Zittau and surroundings
Tag des offenen Denkmals [open day of the memorial] throughout the entire administrative district (2nd Sunday)
Nature and fishermen’s festival in the Erlichthof Rietschen (last weekend in September)
Lusatian fish weeks (entire region)

Lausitz-Rallye [Lusatian rally] around Boxberg
SPIELUM, Kulturinsel Einsiedel in Deschka/Zentendorf
Fishing dry the Schwarze Lache stream in Kreba (3rd Saturday)
Show-fishing in Petershain, Kittner fishery (31st)

Christmas market in Nieder Seifersdorf (1st weekend in Advent)

Schlesischer Christkindelmarkt [Silesian Christmas market] in Görlitz
Historische Weihnacht [historical Christmas] Turmvilla in Bad Muskau (3rd Advent)
Rothenburg/O.L. (4th weekend in Advent)
Kaiserweihnacht [Emperor’s Christmas] at the Oybin castle (Christmas Day)

Görlitz Administrative District Office/ Landratsamt Görlitz
Bahnhofstraße 24
02826 Görlitz
Postal address
Görlitz Administrative District Office/ Landratsamt Görlitz
(name of the office)
PF 30 01 52
02806 Görlitz

Office hours

Overview of the locations and offices for district administration